
Showing posts from July, 2020

Pilot Survey 29/6

What is a pilot survey? A pilot survey is a test drive that I completed with a few students in my statistics class. This is done to get feedback so we can improve our questionnaire. I added a question at the end asking 'Was this survey easy to understand?" and "Were these questions invasive, rude or offensive?'. These questions may be removed when I finish my survey but when doing a pilot survey its useful to get an idea of these things from fellow students. I was concerned about the wording of my questions and the amount I had so through doing a pilot survey I got an indication of these concerns and how they present to an outsider point of view. None of my responses shared the same concerns I did so after scanning through the questions once more I left them. There were a few grammatical errors where I used 'how' instead of 'why' where it was an easy fix. The pilot survey helped reassure me and give me more confidence in my survey as my predicted ti...