Pilot Survey 29/6

What is a pilot survey?
A pilot survey is a test drive that I completed with a few students in my statistics class. This is done to get feedback so we can improve our questionnaire. I added a question at the end asking 'Was this survey easy to understand?" and "Were these questions invasive, rude or offensive?'. These questions may be removed when I finish my survey but when doing a pilot survey its useful to get an idea of these things from fellow students.

I was concerned about the wording of my questions and the amount I had so through doing a pilot survey I got an indication of these concerns and how they present to an outsider point of view. None of my responses shared the same concerns I did so after scanning through the questions once more I left them. There were a few grammatical errors where I used 'how' instead of 'why' where it was an easy fix. The pilot survey helped reassure me and give me more confidence in my survey as my predicted time frame for completing the survey was accurate and so was the understanding of the questions aspect. I also had a few respondents answer my questions with random 'yes', 'no' or '.' indicating that the requirement of having to answer the question should be used sparingly. Respondents could become agitated and not feel encouraged to finish the survey so by only requiring them to answer certain questions could make them feel pressured and less overworked. I asked a question surrounding the accessibility of information that was initially an open question with a textbox but I believe my respondents were unaware of how to answer the question so I changed the answer to a Likert scale. Which better fit the answers I was wanting from my survey. Changing how the respondent answered the question also influenced me to rethink other questions that had open answers. I started providing examples of answers that I was looking for in the title in brackets so the respondent could better understand the question.


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