ENGLISH Reflecting on Freedom Writers

Watch this clip where Ava talks about her early experiences with violence and the police and why
she has to support her family.  Then watch this clip where Ava is in court and has to make the hard
decision - will she lie to protect her family and her people, or will she tell the truth and risk her
family abandoning her?  Now you can either write down, or record your thoughts on screencastify:
Describe Ava and her early experiences. Explain why she changed throughout the movie and told
the truth at the court case.

Ava at an early age was very innocent and naive but once her neighbour was shot right in front of
her and she was really brought into the big bad world of violence and gangs. Once the police came
around her mum was a wreck as her dad were being arrested in her home. Since then she has
fallen into the path her family has taken since they were teenagers.

Well, until Miss Grewal started teaching her and showed her what the world could be and that
the world needed to hear their voices. Once she started reading the Anne Frank diary and
realised that she could find someone to relate to and look upto. As the court day was coming
up her mum was convincing her to lie, to protect her family and her race. But deep down in her
mind she knew after reading all this, and learning all this that she had to do the right thing. She
told the truth. She wanted to show everyone she had changed and cares about her future.
After the person who hid Anne Frank came and talked at her school she really has a different
look on the environment around her.


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