
Pilot Survey 29/6

What is a pilot survey? A pilot survey is a test drive that I completed with a few students in my statistics class. This is done to get feedback so we can improve our questionnaire. I added a question at the end asking 'Was this survey easy to understand?" and "Were these questions invasive, rude or offensive?'. These questions may be removed when I finish my survey but when doing a pilot survey its useful to get an idea of these things from fellow students. I was concerned about the wording of my questions and the amount I had so through doing a pilot survey I got an indication of these concerns and how they present to an outsider point of view. None of my responses shared the same concerns I did so after scanning through the questions once more I left them. There were a few grammatical errors where I used 'how' instead of 'why' where it was an easy fix. The pilot survey helped reassure me and give me more confidence in my survey as my predicted ti...

Final Questionnaire 7/1

Loading… Apart from adjusting grammar and how a few questions are phrased, I didn't adjust much in my final questionnaire. I changed the first question from 'what would you rate..." to 'how would you rate..." so each of the questions asking someone to rate something was all phrased the same.  I believe my questionnaire meets the multiple purposes I have and ask questions that reflect the intention of the survey. I ask questions around the kinds of people, their reasons for visiting the website and the overall satisfaction with the website which are all my purpose. Questions 1-8 within section 1 are about satisfaction with the website and their reasons for visiting the website. Questions 9-15 are about the respondents themselves and the relationship between them and the website. People are going to access my survey through the initial website, the Antarctic Society's Facebook page and any other noticeboard or social media account linked to the cause. This m...

Desk Review 22/6

Today I analysed my questions through doing a desk review and polished up my questions to better fit the survey. I made sure my purpose is clear and has indicated everything I am asking. By this I mean I asked questions in my survey that linked back to every purpose I indicated. My purpose was to find out the kinds of people who visit the antarctic societies website, their use and reasons for visiting and their satisfaction with the website. I added more questions asking 'How did you find about the Antarctic Society's website?'. By asking this I not only found out how each person came across the website but I can see is there is a common ground of where people found the website and do more promotions there. I can see the outliers of where people found the website and push more promotion there. I indicated that my survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete so my respondents are clear about what they are going to do. I gave an anonymity statement as my survey doesn't recor...

Designing my Questionnaire 19/6

I have crafted my first draft of my questionnaire basis today. I have designed a survey with 12 questions so far. I paid more attention to titles and subheadings to give more information to my respondents about the survey they are filling out. I made sure to include three different types of questions to provide variety and have a box or answers for anyone to select. I started with demographics and moved onto satisfaction. I used closed and open questions. I used multichoice, open questions with long answers and the likert scale. Loading…

Structure and Design of my Questionnaire 16/6

The next part of my assessment is to begin designing and polishing my questions. I've begun writing my demographic questions and plan to start writing my customer satisfaction questions next. I have also used Stats NZ to help my methodise and help me design my questions in the best way possible. Using the different chapters around structure, wording and instructions I've gathered an understanding of the best ways to make my questions. Here is the beginning of my questionnaire... Survey Questions  Demographics Which of these do you identify with? Male B) Female C) Prefer not to say  What age group do you belong to?  Under 18 B) 19-24 C)25-30 D) 31-36 E) 37-42 F) 43-48 G) 49-54 H) 55-60 I) 61-66 J) 66+ What is your ethnicity?  NZ European B) Maori C) Pacifica D) Asian E) Hispanic/Latino F) Other What region/province are you from? Southland B) Otago C) Westland D) Canterbury E) Marlborough F) Tasman G) Wellington H) Manawat...

AS91263 Questionnaire Design Purpose

This is the scenario for my maths assessment on questionnaire design. Purpose: I'm being commissioned to investigate the different kinds of people who visit the Antarctic society's website through doing a questionnaire. The questionnaire will provide information around the different demographics of people who visit the Antarctic Society Website. Which will be reported back to the Antarctic Society to help them in reaching different demographics. I would also like to investigate the satisfaction with the visitors from the website. The purpose of this survey is to gather information about the different kinds of people who use the Antarctic Society's website such as their age, gender, location in NZ, how they became involved in the website and their satisfaction with the website.  Target Population: The target population for people to complete the survey is people who visit the Antarctic Society website.  My objectives are to find out the kinds of people who visited the ...

Writing Good Questions for my Questionnaire AS91263

Use open-ended questions to avoid influencing response and unsure of how you want them to respond  Three things to consider when writing questions... Be short questions Keep language simple Use certain time periods instead of 'in general' One idea per question Use positive terms Let respondents know when multiple choice Word Neutrally Three things to consider when writing questions... When I was designing my survey I needed to consider using both open-ended and closed questions. When writing closed questions make sure to include everyone and that everyone can answer them. Do not overlap numeric categories. The order of answer categories can influence how people respond to closed questions. When using open-ended questions I need to consider even small wording differences can substantially affect the answers people provide, to ask questions that are clear and specific, to use simple and concrete language, these will be more easily understood, to only ask...